Meet the Instructors

Julie Flattery
Copywriter / Marketing Consultant

“RMC has worked with Julie Flattery for several decades. Because of her vast experience in the profession, she has a deep understanding of architecture that is rare for a non-architect. This allows our principals to continue their work with very little input for our writing needs. She has covered the gamut for us—from genius loci to CLT construction to award submittals and project writing. She delivers excellent copy every time. Julie works well with our staff to leverage their efforts, efficiently juggles the various tasks required to market our firm, understands a firm’s strengths and how to tell that story, and brings a great deal of creativity to the work. She’s not afraid to prod people along to get results, including principals and can spot a typo from miles away!”

Jeff McClure, AIA
Principal, RMC Architects

Hello, I’m Julie! I teach the verbal communication side of the workshops. I grew up with an architect father who taught me early in life that the spaces we spend time in have a profound impact on how we feel. His influence made me love architecture, and my natural affinity for words made me love writing about it.

I started my career at a large Los Angeles architecture firm. While studying English and journalism, I began assisting the marketing studio with writing bios for proposals. Who knew then that this would be the start of a lifelong career? Over 30 years later here I am, teaching the myriad things I’ve learned with the goal of helping others to streamline their process and become more successful overall. Throughout the Deconstructed workshops, I’ll be focusing on tips, tricks, and shortcuts in addition to honing writing skills and targeting the entire proposal to directly respond to the RFP/Q.

My most recent experience before striking out on my own was as the Marketing Director and a Senior Associate at Bassetti Architects. I led the firm’s marketing and business development efforts and the marketing team for both the Seattle and Portland offices. As one of the first employees in Portland, I helped grow it from two to 22 people over a five-year period. This success began when we landed the first job from the Portland Public School’s bond in 2013, Roosevelt High School. As the new firm in town, we were a longshot, and this was no small accomplishment.

I look forward to sharing the knowledge I’ve gained from my own experience with proposals throughout my many years in this profession with you!

Additional Services Offered by Julie:

  • Strategic Planning

  • Interview Preparation & Training

  • Copywriting of All Proposal/Marketing Materials

  • Ghostwriting Articles

  • Website Development

  • Award Submittals 

  • Training Non-marketing Staff on Building & Maintaining Client Relationships

  • E-blasts, Announcements, & Press Releases

Claire Schatzle
Graphic Designer

“Claire is an incredible team member--she's dedicated, talented, focused, and supportive. Her ability to distill complex concepts into clear visuals is very strong, a skill the whole team appreciates. I never have to worry about Claire getting things done--when she's under deadline, she has laser focus and does not require any handholding. She has grown significantly in her organizational abilities and her leadership skills, and regularly comes up with ideas to build team spirit.”

Sarah Bartlett
Former Marketing Manager at Ankrom Moisan
Currently the Senior Marketing & Creative Director at Red Propeller

Hello, I’m Claire! I teach the visual design portions of our workshop. I’m a graphic designer focusing on AEC firms. Over half of my working career has been within the AEC profession, more specifically assembling proposals and strategically planning photography and photoshoots for AEC projects.

I vividly recall the first proposal I worked on, and let’s just say it left much to be desired! If only I had known what I know now—that although proposals demand serious time management, clear communication with team members, and the development of a solid process with set expectations you can still be creative while adhering to the RFP/Q requirements. 

Before deciding to become a full-time freelancer and entrepreneur, I worked at Ankrom Moisan as a Graphic Designer and later as the Brand and Photography Manager. During my time there as a graphic designer, I primarily focused on proposals and also had the opportunity to engage in creative internal and client projects. Having designed and assembled countless proposals, I learned firsthand the importance of storytelling by seamlessly integrating the visual and written components to deliver a persuasive message.

As the Brand and Photography Manager, I introduced significant process updates and enhancements across various areas including: project photoshoots, photoshoot information collection, file management systems, and on-location procedures tailored to pandemic safety measures. These changes yielded outstanding outcomes with project teams benefiting from captivating photography that effectively reinforced their storylines. This also resulted in a more cohesive visual identity and marketing strategy for the firm's photography.

Through this workshop, I aim to help people and firms become more successful by increasing their chances of being shortlisted and keeping their sanity in the process.

Additional Services Offered by Claire:

  • Proposal Documents (RFP’s & RFQ’s)

  • Email Design + E-blasts

  • Photo Retouching

  • Template Creation - Indesign, Powerpoint, Word

  • Event + Trade Show Materials

  • Marketing Materials

  • Website Design 

  • Presentations + Presentation Materials

  • Infographics

  • Printing/Vendor Facilitation

  • Photography Guidelines

  • Brand Guidelines

  • Custom Branded Maps - Mapbox

  • Training for InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator

  • Training to Create Custom Maps in Mapbox